About Us

Welcome to Stoneybrook P.S. where "Together We Succeed"

Stoneybrook School Goal for 


A Brief History

The Stoney Creek area was occupied as farm land early in pioneer times of London Township. During the middle of the last century, urban development began. The brook draining the area was an obstacle to urban growth. Visual evidence of the creek soon disappeared. The name of our school reminds present and future generations of the once lazy meandering body of water that made its way toward the north branch of the Thames River. The official opening of the school occurred on May 8, 1970.

The school colours are grey and blue which are emblematic of the stones and water in the name Stoneybrook.

Classes encompass junior kindergarten to grade eight. Instrumental music is offered to grade seven and eight students.

Stoneybrook Public School

1460 Stoneybrook Crescent

London, ON N5X 1C4

Phone: 519-452-8590 Fax: 519-452-8599

email: stoneybrook@tvdsb.ca


Superintendent: Mrs. S. Builder

Principal: Mrs. A. Chevalier

Vice Principal: Mrs. A. Kublinskas

Administrative Assistants: Mrs. V Vanderveken & Mrs. A. Panhuis

Trustees: M. Larsen, L. Osbourne

